Employer Medicare Services
Arthur J Gallagher
Making Life Easier for Employers and Human Resources Departments
Do you have employees nearing age 65 and/or retirement? — Are they coming to you with their questions about Medicare and their health insurance transition?
We can help!!!
Our educational services are offered at No Cost to bring extra value to Employers and soon to be Retirees alike.
Our Services
Group Educational Seminars
The seminar is provided either in person or via webinar at no cost to you or your employees. The 50 minute, informative presentation (with time after for Q&A) provides a comfortable, no pressure environment for learning and gathering information. It is great for anybody who is (or has loved ones) nearing age 65 and/or retirement.

“Roadmap to Medicare” Consultation and Report
Since each employee’s situation may be different, we provide a personalized, no cost, phone consultation to provide an explanation to prepare the employee for all aspects of retirement healthcare and offer recommendations specific to their situation and health needs. This is followed up with a detailed summary email and report outlining the employee’s specific “action plan.”
We collect details on the individual’s specific situation to best advise on:
- What is involved in going from a Group Health Policy to Medicare
- When is it appropriate to enroll or defer Medicare Part B if not retiring at age 65
- What happens when couples do not turn 65 at the same time
- Open Enrollment and Guaranteed Issue Periods and late penalties
- What does Medicare cover and not cover
- Is secondary insurance necessary to Medicare and what are the options
Medicare Coverage Plan
HTA’s Client Services Team will provide gentle guidance and support for choosing the most suitable and cost effective plan. We can shop all Medicare related products including Medicare Supplements, Medicare Advantage (Part C), Medicare Rx Plans (Part D) and Dental and Vision plans from over 35 leading insurance carriers. The Medicare Insurance Specialist will explain the products and help complete the enrollment. HTA will follow the applications through underwriting to make sure everything goes smoothly and the employee is comfortable with the policy once received. Since prescriptions change over time, each Annual Enrollment Period the retiree will be contacted to insure they have the most suitable Medicare Prescription Drug Plan for the next calendar year. Employees have access to unlimited telephone support for future questions and assistance.
There are NEVER SALES PITCHES — only friendly, undivided, and efficiently executed service. We are committed to exceeding your expectations.
Reliable advice from a trusted resource
HTA has been selling Medicare related products for over 20 years. Our Client Services Team members are experts in Medicare Insurance. We have an intimate knowledge of the products and carriers. All team members go through a detailed, uniform training program; therefore, employees will get the same high quality advice from all of our Specialists. In addition, each team member is required to talk with many Medicare beneficiaries in a supervised training environment prior to working with a referred employee.
Our team approach provides high quality service. Your employee has the ability to get quick answers by speaking with any available team member. In addition, they have the ability to continuously work with the same representative for every call. Please note, they may need to schedule a telephone appointment if their assigned rep is not currently available.
Interested in setting up services for your company?
We offer Educational Seminars, Webinars, and Personal Consultations
Simply call HTA Employer Services Team at (610) 430‐6650 – Prompt 3 for Employer Assistance
Or email us at employers@hta-insurance.com
Let our team know you are looking to set up Medicare Educational Support for your employees.